Slide shows

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Turning 43

Well yesterday I turned 43. AS dad said "happy birthday to you, there's not much left of 42" Makes me laugh still when I read it. After weeks of really warm temps here in CO it finally turned a little colder today. Ice climbing can't be that far off.... Sat. I think Sara and I will head up and see if we can't get cold and scared on something frozen and steep. Crazy fun sport.. Photos to follow, if I can remember my camera. A great photo of Sara taken in Ouray, Co. She ROCKS!!


Becky Rosenlof said...

WOW!!! She is amazing. Keep cool and control that cold weather adrenalin rush!

What it's like to have Addison's Disease said...

Dang right, she ROCKS! How did you get to be so lucky to find each other? It must have been the good vibes at Moab.